Introduction to Java DBJava DB is a pretty mature technology, that evolved out of IBM Cloudscape.
I like it better than some of the other offerings out there like HypersonicDB.
Java DB 10.4 using JDBC4 has a documented
API and
developers guide.
It uses an Apache 2.0
license. If you need to recap what JDBC 4.0 is all about, here's an
old article on with explanations.
To verify Derby has been properly installed on your system use the
sysinfo tool.
java return your Java version, vendor and other configuration information.
Getting started with Java DB using ijij is the interactive Java tool for querying Derby. To test it out create and connect to a new database as follows.
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:MyDbTest;create=true';ij> exit; This creates a directory MyDbTest and a file
derby.log. Now you can connect to the new database:
ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:MyDbTest';ij> show schemas;will show all the schemas in the database e.g. APP, SYS, SQLJ.
Aliasing Makes Life EasierTip: to make the shell automatically recognise the Derby protocol, you can alias
ij to the following:
alias ij="java -Dij.protocol=jdbc:derby:"See how easy this makes creating and connecting to a database:
connect 'TestDb;create=true';connect 'TestDb';Brilliant!
Note: -D is the standard way to set command-line flags in
ij. If you have more than one flag to set, just do -D multiple times.
Embedded and Client-server ModeDerby has both an embedded and client-server mode. In embedded mode, a Derby database may not be used concurrently between two VMs.