- MMAPI - Mobile Media API. Audio/video API for resource-constrained devices.
- Java WSDP (Wiz-dip)- Web Services Developer Pack
- JAX-RPC - Java API for XML web services (part of Glassfish, open source application server). Glassfish versus JBoss is discussed here.
- UTF-8 (UCS/Unicode Transformation Format) - preferred encoding for web. Backwards compatible with ASCII - hence popularity. Backwards compatibility is a great feature in computing. It allows one installed base to immediately transfer to a new installed base. Think C/C++. Java 6 Update 11 had a new UTF-8 charset implementation.
- UCS - Universal Character Set. abstract charset on which many charsets are based.
- JCP - Java Community Process
- JSR - Java Specification Request
Acronyms for Java debugging architecture:
- JDWP - Java Debug Wire Protocol
- JDI - Java Debug Interface
- JVMTI - Java VM Tool interface