Complex Java code can be analysed quickly using the following methods.
1. Create a temp file with the code in Visual J# Express. Compress the code, refactor logically.
2. Use the program and get an idea of how it works: inputs and outputs.
3. Identify critical control paths, frequently used and unused areas of the code. (perhaps only 20% of the code is actually interesting or relevant).
4. Write up the program in Python-style pseudocode.
5. Use set theory concepts (e.g. partitions) to break up the code into mutex sections (e.g. partitions of the input space, partitions of inner classes etc).
Ubu World Cafe - Linux Variant CentOs
The UbuWarrior has in its awareness a knowledge of other Linux variants.
Today, we talk about the mysterious CentOS. CentOS is derived from RHEL
(Red Ha...
9 months ago
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